Junger begeisterter Canyoning Teilnehmer

Canyoning rocks

Jumps, abseiling, swimming - one thing is for sure here it's always downhill. And all at your own pace.

Whirling whitewater, round-washed rocks, deep gorges - you can only get (up)close to this part of the Alps when canyoning. Never done it before? Then it's time - the best way to start is with the Jump Start Tour, where everything can and only a little must.

You choose your favorite tour and start directly in the almlust. Warm wetsuit, harness & helmet is already prepared for you. We bring you with the almlust buses directly to the canyon and our trained canyoning guides show you their world!




Jump Start
Deine first timer tour!

Glasklare Wasserfälle, tiefe Pools & lustige Rutschen sind Dein adventure park. Felsen sind Deine jump base - Du wählst ob 1,2,3 oder 8 m!

Die perfekte Tour für alle Schwimmer ab 8 Jahren. Geeignet für families, (mut-) gemischte Gruppen & alle newcomer.

Jump Start
Your first time tour!

Crystal clear waterfalls, deep pools & fun slides are your adventure park. Rocks are your jump base - you choose if 1,2,3 or 5 m!

The perfect tour for all swimmers from 8 years. Suitable for families, mixed groups & all newcomers.

Jumpers Delight
20 jumps - just for you!

Up to 10m high jumps as goal - up to 4m you must be able to overcome at least, higher jumps you can also abseil. For canyoning lovers, sporty beginners or sporty-minded groups.

Would you like a little more?

You will definitely not get bored here!


almlust rooftop via ferrata