It´s great at the top!

Peaks, hiking trails, alpine pastures, themed trails - pure mountains are waiting for you!

Are you a summit climber or a hut returnee? Or even both? The Flachau mountains have a lot to offer. You can get hiking tips & maps directly at your almlust reception or hire an experienced mountain guide to reach even remote peaks safely.


Romantic mountain excursions such as to Liebeseck or Lackenkogel are very popular with all lovebirds. While real summit strikers must have climbed the Faulkogel once in their lives. Kids & teens are more into Floris, Geisterberg & Co, there's a lot of adventure to experience besides hiking and the time flies by.

Uncountable ideas!

What do you want to dicover?

E-Mountainbikerin auf dem Waldweg unterwegs


climbing & mountaineering